
Who Knew That Sheep Could Be So Mesmerizing?

We’ve all heard that old saying that if you can’t fall asleep, then you should count sheep. Well counting sheep may help you fall asleep, but this video of hundreds of sheep being herded might also help mellow you out and get you ready for some z’s as well! This amazing ariel video of hundreds of sheep being herded to their new grazing area is not only stunningly beautiful but also very soothing. Who knew that sheep could be so mesmerizing? It almost feels like watching visual poetry or a painting being created. You have to love the advances in technology that allow us to see every day things from brand new perspectives!

There’s just something about the way the sheep move together as a herd that is so soothing and captivating to watch. They do say that sheep have a unique group mentality that makes them very good at moving in sync as a group. While watching the flowing movements of many sheep may be interesting, so is this single sheep who decided to try flying solo for a while.

It can’t be easy carrying all that wool all the time. Sometimes you gotta wonder if having that much wool ever gets annoying. Well this particular sheep has got quite the itch, but lucky for him he also happened to find a helpful human willing to give him a hand. And by the look of pure bliss on his face, he’s glad to have someone helping him out!

Have a great animal clip? Upload it HERE.

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You Won’t Believe What Rhinos Sound Like

We all know that dogs “bark”, cats “meow”, and that birds “chirp”. But then there are some animals that we have absolutely no clue what they sound like at all. Take rhinos for example, have you ever stopped your mid-day routine to think about what rhinos sounds like? No? Well now you don’t have to wonder any longer thanks to this enlightening video that someone took while at the zoo! Brace yourselves, because what you are about to hear is probably not what you are expecting. Get ready to be shocked, perplexed, and amused all at the same time! It’s time that the world found out exactly what rhinos sound like, and it’s way cuter than anyone could have hoped for.

All I want now is a stuffed animal version of these adorable rhinos that makes the same cute squeaks! In a strange way, the sound that these rhinos are making seem similar to those made by whales. It’s quite amazing what we are able to learn about these majestic animals by just observing them! That’s why zoos are such great places for kids and adults alike to learn more about all the different animals from around the world!

Most people are perfectly content to watch these animals at a distance with some set boundaries in place. However, when those boundaries are no longer there things can get pretty frightening fairly quickly. This man is clearly way out of his comfort zone as his wife tries to get him to hold this scaly reptile. He’s probably wishing that there was a 2 inch wall of bulletproof glass between him and this snake. Well bravo sir, for facing your fears and humoring your wife.

Have a great video of an animal encounter? Share it with us HERE.

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Dad Creates Epic Snow Day Surprise For Kids

With all the down pour of snow we’ve been getting this winter, you would think that people are starting to get tired of seeing their streets covered in this white precipitation. Apparently for this dad, it wasn’t enough just having the snow outdoors for his kids to play in, so he decided to bring the winter wonderland inside his home as well! This determined dad got up extra early before the break of dawn to set up this wonderful winter surprise for his kids and did not skimp out on a single detail. For a kid, it doesn’t really get much better than having snow days off from school. But we can safely say that this dad went above and beyond to give his kids a special snow day surprise that they’ll never forget. Way to go dad, you are a shoe-in for this year’s Best Dad Of The Year!

Talk about a sweet surprise! These kids will never want to go back to school now since they have their very own wintery playground right in their home. This has definitely got to be one of the most thoughtful surprises that anyone has ever pulled for a loved one. If only there were more sweet surprises in the world like this one and less pranking surprises like the one in this next video.

Offices are some of the best places for pulling practical jokes and surprises on people. Unfortunately for this unsuspecting lady, one of her co-workers thought that she deserved a little light hearted fun at the start of her day. This is just a classic case of a jump scare gone oh so right. Just remember to always look under your seat before you sit, especially if you have a couple of jokesters in your own office!

Have a great surprise caught on tape? Upload it HERE.

5 best ways

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5 Best Ways To Give A Hug

Giving good hugs is a talent that goes unrecognized all too often. We have all had experiences of really solid, warm hugs and some not so great, wimpy hugs that aren’t really hugs at all! So in order to make the world a much better (and warmer) place, these canine hugging experts are ready to demonstrate the 5 best ways to give a hug! These dogs know that hugs must be catered to each individual and situation. So here are the best 5 hugs perfect for all situations ranging from ones to greet acquaintances, to ones that are perfect for saying hello to a good old friend. So watch closely and perhaps these expert tips will help you bring your hugs to a whole new level.

1. The Sly Hug: Perfect for nonchalantly showing that you care.

5 best ways to give a hug

2. The Drag In: When someone needs a hug and just doesn’t know it.

5 best ways to give a hug

3. The Slight Touch: To show solidarity with your pal.

5 best ways to give a hug

4. The Criss Cross: When your friendship is the strongest force in the world.

5 Best ways to give a hug

5. And last but not least, The Bear Hug: For those moments when actions speak louder than words.

5 best ways to give a hug

Want a step by step demonstration on how to do each of these hugs? Check out the entire video below for a complete break down for each hug.

These dogs have clearly mastered all five hugs, but dogs aren’t the only ones who know a thing or two about showing affection! In fact some animals are so good at understanding and caring for one another, they are able to form strong bonds of friendship across species! Don’t believe us? Well here are twelve adorable animal companions who are sure to prove our point! These animals know that there is nothing better than having a good friend who will stay by their side, no matter what species they may be! Love and friendship knows no bounds.

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Top 10 New Ways To Lose Weight

It’s been over a month into the new year, and most of us have already made and broken our New Year’s Resolutions. The hoards of wannabe biggest losers have already flooded through the gyms and soon after left it deserted. Now it’s your chance to take over that empty space and build a simple weight loss program that’s just for you. Here’s 10 simple examples of how to lose weight!

1. Building confidence during your first day at the gym is important, so making sure everything goes smoothly should be a top priority.

2. And if you don’t have a membership, don’t fret! You can always use your local trashcan!

3. An alternative and fun way to get exercise is to play a sport with a friend. Just try not to go overboard with your winning celebration.

4. Swimming involves the use of almost every major muscle group, though getting yourself into the pool can sometimes be the hardest part.

5. There are plenty of daily activities that get you more exercise than you realize. Sometimes it’s taking the stairs instead of elevators, and sometimes it’s trying to do a little home improvement.

6. In these hazardous times, sometimes the winter snow can keep you bunkered indoors. Don’t be afraid to use what you have at home!

7. No matter how difficult your workout can be, don’t forget to put on a good face.

8. For those nature lovers, a hiking trip might be just what you need.

9. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll feel like a new person!

10. Finally, everyone needs a “Cheat Day” where you can splurge to your hearts delight. Just make sure you don’t get caught.

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The Adorable Canine Litter Patrol

Littering is a common problem that not a lot of people very seriously. Fortunately for Cornwall, England there’s a new litter patrol roaming the streets and cleaning up the town! The best part about the new litter patrol? He’s an adorable pooch named Paris who loves to take long walks down the street with his human companion Fran, and do a little street cleaning in the process. Anytime Paris goes out for a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, this thoughtful pup can’t help but pick up pieces of trash from the streets and carry it with him all the way home to ensure proper disposal. If only more humans were as eco conscious as this adorable canine litter patrol!

Maybe the solution for littering is to have an elite pack of dogs who are trained to sweep the streets for recyclables and bring make sure that they are disposed of in the proper way. We could even have adorable canine litter patrol ambassadors who could use their cute looks and sweet charm to persuade people to recycle instead of littering! The world could be a much cleaner and happier place thanks to doggy patrols!

Dogs are not only smart and easy to train, but they also work incredibly well with one another. Need further proof that they are the perfect candidates for the job? Here’s a canine duo pulling off an awesome trick through the power of teamwork.

Have a video showing off your dog’s super smarts? Share it with us HERE.

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3 Year Old Sings Classic Disney Song Better Than You Can

Get ready to have your mind blown and your heart turned into mush! We all have a fondness for Disney and an uncontrollable urge to sing along to every Disney song that comes up on the radio. But this little girl’s takes her Disney singing passion to a whole new level! This 3 year old sings classic disney song “Part Of Your World” better than you can even imagine! Not only is 3 year old Claire’s singing super adorable, but her on screen performance is just as sweet! And just as every super star performance requires the proper preparations, Claire’s parents did exactly that for their daughter’s performance.

First stop, hair and wardrobe.

3 year old sings classic disney song

3 year old sings classic disney song

Next up is the mic check.

3 year old sings classic disney song


Hit record.

3 year old sings classic disney song

And then she’s ready to hit those notes!

3 year old sings classic disney song

Check out Claire’s adorable performance in the video below and prepare to say, “awwww!”

It’s really quite amazing how much talent kids have now a days! Although some talents are a bit stranger than others. While Claire is making good use of her voice as a singer, this next kid has got a more unique vocal quality that may not be best for singing, but may be well suited for comedy instead!

Have a video of your kid showing off their vocal talent? Share it with us HERE.


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Guy Throws Eggs At His Mom Every Day

Have you ever wondered what it was like to throw eggs at your mom everyday? Doing it so often that it becomes a part of your daily routine. Wake up, shower, get dressed, throw an egg at your mom, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, and head out the door. That’s what we expect this kid’s morning ritual to be. And based off the mother’s reactions, this act seems as though it’s been going on for a LONG time. The mother catches about every single egg thrown in her direction. No look one-handed snags—not a problem. She’s become such a well-rounded, better athlete, and it’s all thanks to her beloved son. Maybe that was his intention all along. He wanted his mom to have the best hands in the neighborhood so badly that he threw an egg at her every single day to keep her agile, allusive, and elite. When the mother/son annual backyard egg toss comes around in late April, they’ll be ready. He wants his mom to be a winner—which is one of the most generous, selfless acts a son can do for his mom.

Over here at the AFV headquarters, we were wondering why this kid decided to start throwing eggs at his mom in the first place. How did it all begin? Well, we found a key piece of evidence. Deep, deep in our archives, after many weeks of intense research, we found a home video from when the egg tossing culprit was just a little boy. To no surprise, he has always enjoyed making a mess with a carton of eggs. Next question we need to answer: Why is he wearing a helmet in this clip? See if you guys can figure that one out.

While you’re at it, catch your kids misbehaving on tape and upload HERE.

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Lion Opens Car Door With Teeth

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you watch a lion try to hop into the back seat of a Volkswagen with a family inside. The daughter screams for her life, but luckily she has amazing, cat-like reflexes. Never has someone closed a door as quickly as she did in the backseat… never. Sure, her immediate reaction may have saved her life, but something she did not consider: Maybe the lion just wanted to play. Maybe the lion wanted a friend—someone who would listen. Someone who would give it the attention that it’s been deprived of. The lion seemed curious and innocent, so watch the video, and then you can be the judge! But most importantly, please do remember to be cautious… Helen Keller once said, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.” Good thing Helen wasn’t sitting in the back of that car with this attitude, or else she could’ve been eaten by a lion. If you’re ever driving through South Africa and stop to say “hi” to a pack of lions, lock your car doors. Safety first, always.

While some animals, like that intrusive lion, open doors, some animals would just rather have doors stay shut. Maybe they are afraid of what lies on the other side, or maybe the weather is unsuitable for the door to be open, or maybe they just don’t want their best friend to leave the house—like this cute puppy below.

She’ll do anything to keep her best friend from stepping outside the house through the door. Why is she so passionate about her human friend leaving? No idea. The dog’s intention seems genuine, but similar to the lion’s motive, we really can’t be too sure about what she’s thinking.

Do you have any clips of animals operating a door? No? No worries. How about just clips of your fury friends! Upload your videos HERE.

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Top 10 Reasons Your Dog Really Is Your Best Friend

Dogs make great pets, but what sets them apart from cats? Well, for one they’re not constantly plotting evil. When you have a dog, you know they’ll always have your back. They’re smart, friendly, and most of all loyal, which is why they’re called “man’s best friend”. Here are ten reasons why your dog is really your best friend:

1. They make great teammates.

2. They’re always willing to negotiate.

3. They don’t hesitate to enforce your rules.

4. They can teach you how to multitask.

5. They won’t lie about your baking skills.

6. They’ll walk themselves if they have to.

7. They can handle the kids.

8. They’ll always let you join the game.

9. They’ll even help clean up your yard.

10. And most of all, they’ll never ever doubt you.

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