
This Is Why Men Can Never Find A Damn Thing

“Honey, where are the raisins?”

Deva Dalporto is a San Francisco mom of two who could no longer suffer in silence when it came to her husband’s male pattern blindness.

«I think male pattern blindness is attached to the Y chromosome, but I've heard from thousands of people in the past week claiming that their teenagers and young children are afflicted as well,» Dalporto told BuzzFeed. «The only people who are NOT susceptible to MPB seem to be moms.»

The struggle is real.

The struggle is real.

Says Dalporto: «We made the video one morning as my husband was rushing out the door to work. I said, 'Just stand there and look for the raisins and I'm going to film you.' So I'm not sure he was really acting.» / Via My Life Suckers

I know, right?

I know, right?

As if living with someone afflicted with MPB isn't hard enough, Dalporto's husband seems to relish in the condition. «He'll be looking for something that's right in front of his face and claim male pattern blindness,» the YouTuber confessed, «I think he actually likes the excuse because his 'condition' lets him off the hook.» / Via My Life Suckers

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Your Favorite ’90s Pop-Punk Anthem Has Been Recreated In This Amazing Video

YouTube user The Unusual Suspect has created another epic supercut of movie characters singing the lyrics to a popular ’90s song.

Hey, remember Green Day’s «Basket Case,» otherwise known as the greatest Green Day song?

Hey, remember Green Day's "Basket Case," otherwise known as the greatest Green Day song?

Sure you do.

Reprise Records

Well, YouTube user The Unusual Suspect has re-created the ’90s pop-punk anthem by using quotes from 109 different movies.

Well, YouTube user The Unusual Suspect has re-created the '90s pop-punk anthem by using quotes from 109 different movies.

It's a follow-up to his previous effort, Linkin Park's «In the End» sung by 183 movies. Both are pretty impressive.

Check it out:



Here’s How To Make Nashville-Style Hot Wings That Are Packed With Flavor

A total mouth-watering delight.

Wings are good any way… but wings are ~really good~ Nashville-style.

Nashville-Style Hot Wings

Nashville-Style Hot Wings

  • 3 Lbs. Chicken wings
  • 4 Cups buttermilk
  • 1/2 Cup lard
  • 1 Cup flour

Master Spice Mix:
* 1/2 cup cayenne
* 6 Tbsp. Dried minced onion(or onion powder)
* 6 Tbsp. Dried minced garlic (or garlic powder)
* 6 Tbsp. Paprika
* 4 Tbsp. Brown sugar
* 2 Tbsp. Salt
* 2 Tbsp. Black pepper

Mix all master spice mix ingredients and separate into three equal portions.

In a large bowl combine 1/3 master spice mix and four cups buttermilk, and three pounds chicken wings. Cover and chill for as long as possible (4 hours to overnight).

Rinse the brined wing pieces and pat dry.

Mix one cup of flour with another 1/3 of the master spice mix. Dredge the chicken wing pieces in the flour/spice mixture, shaking off any excess. Set aside.

Heat your oil to 325˚ F / 170˚ C.

Fry the wings for 8-10 minutes, until the internal temperature reaches 165˚ F. The wings will splatter so its a good idea to have a lid nearby! Take the wings out and drain on a paper bag or paper towels.

Place 1/2 cup of lard in a saucepan and sprinkle over the last 1/3 of your master spice mix. Once the lard is melted and warm, stir the mixture, and take it off the heat. Immediately baste your fried wings with the lard/spice mix and serve right away!

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Who Knew That Sheep Could Be So Mesmerizing?

We’ve all heard that old saying that if you can’t fall asleep, then you should count sheep. Well counting sheep may help you fall asleep, but this video of hundreds of sheep being herded might also help mellow you out and get you ready for some z’s as well! This amazing ariel video of hundreds of sheep being herded to their new grazing area is not only stunningly beautiful but also very soothing. Who knew that sheep could be so mesmerizing? It almost feels like watching visual poetry or a painting being created. You have to love the advances in technology that allow us to see every day things from brand new perspectives!

There’s just something about the way the sheep move together as a herd that is so soothing and captivating to watch. They do say that sheep have a unique group mentality that makes them very good at moving in sync as a group. While watching the flowing movements of many sheep may be interesting, so is this single sheep who decided to try flying solo for a while.

It can’t be easy carrying all that wool all the time. Sometimes you gotta wonder if having that much wool ever gets annoying. Well this particular sheep has got quite the itch, but lucky for him he also happened to find a helpful human willing to give him a hand. And by the look of pure bliss on his face, he’s glad to have someone helping him out!

Have a great animal clip? Upload it HERE.

The post Who Knew That Sheep Could Be So Mesmerizing? appeared first on AFV.

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You Won’t Believe What Rhinos Sound Like

We all know that dogs “bark”, cats “meow”, and that birds “chirp”. But then there are some animals that we have absolutely no clue what they sound like at all. Take rhinos for example, have you ever stopped your mid-day routine to think about what rhinos sounds like? No? Well now you don’t have to wonder any longer thanks to this enlightening video that someone took while at the zoo! Brace yourselves, because what you are about to hear is probably not what you are expecting. Get ready to be shocked, perplexed, and amused all at the same time! It’s time that the world found out exactly what rhinos sound like, and it’s way cuter than anyone could have hoped for.

All I want now is a stuffed animal version of these adorable rhinos that makes the same cute squeaks! In a strange way, the sound that these rhinos are making seem similar to those made by whales. It’s quite amazing what we are able to learn about these majestic animals by just observing them! That’s why zoos are such great places for kids and adults alike to learn more about all the different animals from around the world!

Most people are perfectly content to watch these animals at a distance with some set boundaries in place. However, when those boundaries are no longer there things can get pretty frightening fairly quickly. This man is clearly way out of his comfort zone as his wife tries to get him to hold this scaly reptile. He’s probably wishing that there was a 2 inch wall of bulletproof glass between him and this snake. Well bravo sir, for facing your fears and humoring your wife.

Have a great video of an animal encounter? Share it with us HERE.

The post You Won’t Believe What Rhinos Sound Like appeared first on AFV.

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Here’s How To Make Nashville-Style Hot Wings That Are Packed With Flavor

A total mouth-watering delight.

Wings are good any way… but wings are ~really good~ Nashville-style.

Nashville-Style Hot Wings

Nashville-Style Hot Wings

  • 3 Lbs. Chicken wings
  • 4 Cups buttermilk
  • 1/2 Cup lard
  • 1 Cup flour

Master Spice Mix:
* 1/2 cup cayenne
* 6 Tbsp. Dried minced onion(or onion powder)
* 6 Tbsp. Dried minced garlic (or garlic powder)
* 6 Tbsp. Paprika
* 4 Tbsp. Brown sugar
* 2 Tbsp. Salt
* 2 Tbsp. Black pepper

Mix all master spice mix ingredients and separate into three equal portions.

In a large bowl combine 1/3 master spice mix and four cups buttermilk, and three pounds chicken wings. Cover and chill for as long as possible (4 hours to overnight).

Rinse the brined wing pieces and pat dry.

Mix one cup of flour with another 1/3 of the master spice mix. Dredge the chicken wing pieces in the flour/spice mixture, shaking off any excess. Set aside.

Heat your oil to 325˚ F / 170˚ C.

Fry the wings for 8-10 minutes, until the internal temperature reaches 165˚ F. The wings will splatter so its a good idea to have a lid nearby! Take the wings out and drain on a paper bag or paper towels.

Place 1/2 cup of lard in a saucepan and sprinkle over the last 1/3 of your master spice mix. Once the lard is melted and warm, stir the mixture, and take it off the heat. Immediately baste your fried wings with the lard/spice mix and serve right away!

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Kids Tell Parents What Age They Had Sex For The First Time

“Oh, you think 20? Oh, I’m so excited to tell you the truth!”

BuzzFeed Yellow / Via