
You Won’t Believe What Rhinos Sound Like

We all know that dogs “bark”, cats “meow”, and that birds “chirp”. But then there are some animals that we have absolutely no clue what they sound like at all. Take rhinos for example, have you ever stopped your mid-day routine to think about what rhinos sounds like? No? Well now you don’t have to wonder any longer thanks to this enlightening video that someone took while at the zoo! Brace yourselves, because what you are about to hear is probably not what you are expecting. Get ready to be shocked, perplexed, and amused all at the same time! It’s time that the world found out exactly what rhinos sound like, and it’s way cuter than anyone could have hoped for.

All I want now is a stuffed animal version of these adorable rhinos that makes the same cute squeaks! In a strange way, the sound that these rhinos are making seem similar to those made by whales. It’s quite amazing what we are able to learn about these majestic animals by just observing them! That’s why zoos are such great places for kids and adults alike to learn more about all the different animals from around the world!

Most people are perfectly content to watch these animals at a distance with some set boundaries in place. However, when those boundaries are no longer there things can get pretty frightening fairly quickly. This man is clearly way out of his comfort zone as his wife tries to get him to hold this scaly reptile. He’s probably wishing that there was a 2 inch wall of bulletproof glass between him and this snake. Well bravo sir, for facing your fears and humoring your wife.

Have a great video of an animal encounter? Share it with us HERE.

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