
Who Knew That Sheep Could Be So Mesmerizing?

We’ve all heard that old saying that if you can’t fall asleep, then you should count sheep. Well counting sheep may help you fall asleep, but this video of hundreds of sheep being herded might also help mellow you out and get you ready for some z’s as well! This amazing ariel video of hundreds of sheep being herded to their new grazing area is not only stunningly beautiful but also very soothing. Who knew that sheep could be so mesmerizing? It almost feels like watching visual poetry or a painting being created. You have to love the advances in technology that allow us to see every day things from brand new perspectives!

There’s just something about the way the sheep move together as a herd that is so soothing and captivating to watch. They do say that sheep have a unique group mentality that makes them very good at moving in sync as a group. While watching the flowing movements of many sheep may be interesting, so is this single sheep who decided to try flying solo for a while.

It can’t be easy carrying all that wool all the time. Sometimes you gotta wonder if having that much wool ever gets annoying. Well this particular sheep has got quite the itch, but lucky for him he also happened to find a helpful human willing to give him a hand. And by the look of pure bliss on his face, he’s glad to have someone helping him out!

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